Thursday, April 15, 2010

Neogeography: A dynamic map of Awesome Coasters

View Great Rollercoasters in the US in a larger map

      This is my map which spatially depicts the locations of the top roller coasters in the United States. Each label on the map contains information with the name of the rollercoaster, the park it's located in, the park's address, the park's phone number, and a video. The videos are the best feature because they allow the map user to take virtual rides on all of the roller coasters, without any annoying lines to wait in! A lot of these rollercoasters are located outside of California and I'd like to visit these great theme parks on the other side of the country someday.
      After experimenting with neogeography I have found some of the pitfalls associated with the concept. Similar to wikipedia in the way that users generate content, the origins of the content are hard to verify. This means that the credibility of the information the map provides is questionable. In addition, the creator of a dynamic map may neglect to include time data, so information included in the map may be outdated and the map's users will not know. Also, map authors may leave out important information because their initial intentions are different than the use some end user finds for the map, causing users to be unknowledgable about crucial details. Despite all of these negative aspects, neogeographical systems can be a great resource and tool.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job. I think I even got a little motion sick watching the videos.

